The WBA calls for expressions of interest in a variety of coaching positions for the upcoming seasons of all three leagues we compete in.

Typically, a parent of a player in the team will coach (a time honoured and sensible approach) but we’d also love to encourage others with experience and/or a passion for the sport, to get involved in this ‘grass-roots’ level of junior basketball. Particularly older junior players (with playing experience) looking to ‘give back’ to the club and perhaps begin their own coaching journey. No need to be an expert (the club can assist with the ‘basketball stuff’) just a willingness to be at trainings and games consistently and do your best to guide the team towards improvement and fun.
While all the above still applies, in this area we’re looking for more credentials and experience where possible. It really is a priority here. We’ll be looking to appoint a ‘Head Coach’ for the first team in each age group of both the boys and girls programmes. They’ll also be responsible for general oversight and the broad direction of each team (beneath theirs) in their age group. All coaches will be responsible (with club assistance and approval) for appointing their own Assistant Coaches and Team Managers. Serious input early in the pre-season into the team tryout an selection process, as well as programme forward planning will be required here too.
Big V
Similarly to the VJBL, we’re seeking applications for the Head Coach role of our four senior, representative teams. Our Men’s and Women’s teams as well as our Youth Men and Youth Women’s teams all have open roles. ‘Youth’ team coaches will report through to the senior Head Coach and may well also be an Assistant Coach on that senior team. Extensive experience is expected at this level, along with a demonstrable ability to actually ‘build’ a programme which provides a positive impact on the broader Association. An ability to show experience and success in culture development, preparation and physical conditioning, as well as the basketball “X’s and O’s”, will be highly regarded.
All coaches will act according to the guidelines established, and decision-making processes of, the WBA Coaching Sub-Committee.
We have a truly wonderful group of coaches right now, working their magic on behalf of our players. Naturally, we’d love them all to continue doing that. We’re ALSO though, seeking to caste an even wider net to help enrich and even super-charge our overall WBA basketball programme. Let’s attract the best coaches we can, as well as, continue working hard to develop and improve the coaches we’ve already got. This enthusiastic group of people are right at the centre of what makes this club tick. They’re the main ingredient in our recipe for success.
Club-wide training grids, schedules, structures etc are all being redeveloped and improved to deliver better efficiencies and overall basketball outcomes. There’s plenty happening and getting our coaches all locked-in is one of the earliest and most important steps in the rubber hitting the road.
- It might not be you – but you might know someone who’d be perfect!? Feel free to ‘nominate’ them (a quick note to ), and they may well be approached by the club.
- If it is you, please just fill in this very simple form which will help us speed things up and then attach that (and that alone – or a full submission if you wish) to the Coaching Sub-Committee, also at
- Don’t wait. Appointments need to be made soon as all three leagues have longer lead times than you might think, in preparing for their respective new seasons. Act now!